About me

I'm a PhD student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guang Zhou). My research topics include 3D motion generation, representation learning, and large language models.

I received my Bachelor's and Master's Degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Computer Science and Technology Department .

My Research Interests

  • Artificial Intelligence

    Aims at reacting to real-world feedbacks and learning the optimal strategy.

  • Representation Learning

    Aims at learning the low-dimensional vector representation of complex real-world data.

  • 3D Motion Generation

    Generation 3D motions based on the audio or text signals.

  • Recommendation System

    It aims to recommend items to users that they may click.




  1. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guang Zhou)

    2023 — now

    Pursuing PhD's Degree

  2. University of Science and Technology of China

    2016 — 2023

    Received Bachelor's and Master's Degrees of Computer Science and Technology

Project Experience

  1. AI Generated Digital Teacher and Responsive Course-Content Answering Teacher

    2024 — now

    Teaching Assistant and Developer

  2. Application of Deep Graph Model in Social Marketing, AIR Scholar Project, Alibaba Inc.

    2021 — 2022

    Scholar Internship at Intelligent Marketing Group in Alibaba Inc.

  3. An Accurate Tumor Segmentation and Labeling Algorithm for Pathological Images and its Parallel Software

    2018 — 2019

    Team Leader

My skills

  • Pytorch
  • Tensorflow
  • Python
  • C/C++


  • Z. Yin Y. Wang, T. Papatheodorou and P. Hui, "Text2VRScene: Exploring the Framework of Automated Text-driven Generation System for VR Experience", in 2024 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), Orlando, FL, USA, 2024, pp. 701-711, doi: 10.1109/VR58804.2024.00090.

    Conference Paper

  • Y. Zhu, Z. Yin, G. Tyson, E. Haq, L. Lee, and P. Hui. 2024. APT-Pipe: A Prompt-Tuning Tool for Social Data Annotation using ChatGPT. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024 (WWW '24). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 245–255. https://doi.org/10.1145/3589334.3645642

    Conference Paper

  • Z. Yin, K. Han, P. Wang and H. Hu, "Multi Global Information Assisted Streaming Session-Based Recommendation System," in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2022,doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2022.3199373 (Accepted as Regular Paper) [Paper]

    Journal Paper

  • Z. Yin, K. Han, P. Wang and X. Zhu, "H3GNN: Hybrid Hierarchical HyperGraph Neural Network for Personalized Session-based Recommendation", in ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 2022.

    Journal Paper

  • Z. Yin, K. Han, H. Hu, Y. Zhu, L. Lee, P. Hui, "Global Session Neighbors Enhanced Session Ba sed Recommendation via Supervised Contrastive Learning”, in SIGIR 2022 (Under Review)

    Conference Paper

  • P. Zhou, T. Xu, Z. Yin, L. Dong, E. Chen, G. Lv, C. Li., "Character-Oriented Video Summarization With Visual and Textual Cues," in IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, vol. 22, no. 10, pp. 2684-2697, Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TMM.2019.2960594 [Paper]

    Journal Paper

  • K. Han, S. Cui, T. Zhu, E. Zhang, B. Wu, Z. Yin, T. Xu, S. Tang, and H. Huang. 2021. "Approximation Algorithms for Submodular Data Summarization with a Knapsack Constraint". Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 5, 1, Article 05 (March 2021) [Paper]

    Conference Paper

  • H. Hu, K. Han, and Z. Yin. "Bilinear Multi-Head Attention Graph Neural Network for Traffic Prediction." ICAART (2). 2022. [Paper]

    Conference Paper
